Friday, 4 April 2014

Ministry at the Murder Mill

“To stop abortions we strictly depend on the word of God.” – Robert Parker

In western society today, considering an abortion is usually hinged upon two common secular proclamations; “prochoice!” and “women’s rights!” It is upsetting to say the least that our society can condition an individual to believe that these two platforms are the only reason a woman needs to consider an abortion. As contentious as this topic is, I’m facing this topic ‘head on’ and having spoken with three godly men who have shared their experiences of proclaiming the gospel outside abortion clinics, I thought it was time that people knew the truth of a ministry that is very counter cultural in today’s society.
There are many Christian ministries around the globe that effectively try to voice the gospel outside abortion clinics and use social media to profess their ministry. For Hinton Negron, Robert Parker and Don Harmon this ministry is all about resting on the strength of Christ in the face of great opposition. For three years, Robert Parker has been visiting the abortion clinic at Englewood in New Jersey.

-Robert Parker

“You have to remember these women know what they are doing they are not victims” says Robert Parker, “The murder mill is one of the toughest place anyone will preach and witness out.” As Christ Himself gave us the command to preach to the nations, this is essentially the backbone and reason why these three men share the gospel outside abortion clinics.

Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of[f] all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember,[g] I am with you always,[h] to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

I personally have never been involved in a ministry such as this, but I wanted to know more about it. What intrigued me the most after speaking with Robert Parker is recognising how humbling this ministry truly is. “When they (women who have committed to an abortion) walk out they are usually in tears or in a daze. It is heart breaking.” What is it that our society can proclaim “prochoice” or “women’s rights!” at the top of their proverbial lungs and forget the aftermath of abortions so easily? For some, considering an abortion is like contraception. “But there are women who have done this more than once. I have I tell them they are in great danger for what they done” says Robert Parker. For these men and for many Christians, it’s not a matter of restricting choice of limiting women’s rights; instead this is primarily about seeing people repent and turn to Christ.

“To stop abortions we strictly depend on the word of God.” – Robert Parker

So what does scripture say about abortions? And why is it worth fighting against these secular proclamations?

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Psalm 127:3 ESV

From the scriptures is how we understand and observe human intrinsic value. God provides us with His pure and amazing miracle of life itself. From the birth of creation to the formation of mankind, He is the measurement of what is good and pure. Despite the curse that was placed upon Eve in Genesis 3:16, childbearing undoubtedly is by many considered a blessing.  It is a blessing to have children, a blessing to know a child is being formed within the womb of a mother. It is news that is often celebrated among friends and family, equal to announcing an engagement. There are a number of passages that mention the blessing of children, how parents should raise their kids and how children ought to respond to their parents. Children are a blessing, companions under the wings of parents, governed by the Lord Himself.

9 Yet you are he who took me from the womb;
you made me trust you at my mother's breasts.
10 On you was I cast from my birth,
and from my mother's womb you have been my God.
Psalm 22:9-10 ESV

As Christians know the fall of mankind is essentially the pinnacle reason for anyone to par-take in an abortion. As Robert Parker mentions some still confess excuses that fall short of human value altogether “You can feel a demonic presence there. Babies are getting murdered at a high number. Fathers want to get violent because some don't want to pay child support.” Where is the human intrinsic value the pro-choice supporters can show? Where does the value of human life begin? Is there any excuse so great that will legitimise an abortion? We as Christians ought to know how to respond to today’s abortions and hold tightly to how scripture proclaims human intrinsic value. In accordance with Operation Rescue there are approximately 1.21 million abortions in the US per year. As Christians this number should alarm us, not strictly because women are ending the life of their unborn but primarily because they need the gospel. Please prayerfully support men like Robert Parker, Hinton Negron and Don Harmon who engage in this difficult ministry that speaks volumes of the value of life.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Being Baptised Twice?

Dear friends I wanted to write a blog entry earlier on my baptism but I’ve had to put it off due to some medical health problems with my wife. Praise God though, after a crazy week of visiting doctors, hospitals and seeing specialists everything is in good order for my wife’s health. I want to say a big thank you to those many friends on Facebook who did pray for us during that crazy week. So I want to address something of my recent baptism that isn’t going to be easy for some readers. I want everyone to know that what I did, I did for the purpose of honouring God. The issue with some is a question that has probably been lingering on people’s minds “why has Dan been baptised again?”

See during sometime in year 8 (when I was 14-15 years old) I was baptised, however I simply wasn’t a Christian. As much as I went to church, read my bible and prayed as well, the true reality is that I wasn’t a believer. The things of the world captivated me more than Christ Himself. And so the bible mentions the nature of a false Christian and I was heading down the road to false hope. In short my 'Christian' walk did not begin with any knowledge of the gospel, but only what I wanted, something that was appealing to my desires. And so I proclaimed to be a Christian all the while dwelling in the comforts the world could offer. Not struggling with it, as Paul mentions the life of a Christian who wrestles with sin in Romans 7, but as someone who felt no conviction of sin. My true conversion didn’t occur until September 2009 about 12 years after my false conversion (if there is such a thing).

So the truth is, I was never baptised as a believer and as a Reformed Baptist, given that we don’t baptise infants I felt it was necessary to be baptised for the first time as a believer…and yes I mean first time! Now I mentioned that this would be difficult for some people to read, perhaps close friends of mine who knew me for years even during my false profession. It grieves me to know that my sin was worth living for more than that of Christ. And it grieves me to know that I not only lied to myself but to many people for many years. A lie so good that I could essentially fool myself! I didn’t test myself as scripture demands, particularly with 1John being the test of a true convert. I wasn’t bent or broken over my sin as Paul was “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this dying body?” (Romans 7:24). I attended church, was made a youth leader at one stage and engaged in various ministries….but I wasn’t a Christian.

So what does the bible say about false Christians? Christ Himself gives a clear example of who a false Christian is. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’ 23 Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers! Matthew 7:21-23

See the condition of my false Christianity was in my profession “yes I’m a Christian, I go to church” instead a true Christian would say something like “Yes I’m a Christian, praise God for the work He’s done in me!” The things I did in church for church I felt were conditions adding to my Christian walk. And like the false believer as Christ mentions, this is exactly the excuse that is presented on the final day out of the mouths of false converts “I did this in your name, I did that in your name.” If our lives are not ground on Christ who is the rock, than are we the ones to present others with conditions of what with think the Christian walk is? The gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to salvation! (Matthew 7:13-14). We ought to carefully examine our lives and be Christians who spur each other on in knowing Christ and the means He has saved us by giving us ears to hear His beautiful gospel! Because if He is not the citadel and the very crown reason of how anyone becomes a Christian, than that testimony is worth nothing. Friends we have a great Christ, but do we have a great need for Christ?

For more on my testimony visit this link. Confessions of a False Convert