Friday, 15 March 2013

What a God we have!

What a God we have, powerful and mighty to save! That He should put grace in our souls, joy in our hearts and the mercies of God’s love on our lips! What a joy we have knowing we are His children, obedient to the faith He has given us. Yes our Lord is indeed strong to tear the chains of disbelief! He is strong to change the course of corrupt minds. But He displays His right arm at the cross, not where people may think it is weakness, but where it displays the thundering true power of God, a power that does away with sin!

O how the law is powerful to condemn! Let us never forget, that the law in it of itself is good to condemn that which is evil and wicked. But under the law, we all perish, for as Paul himself says “there is no one good, not even one…” (Romans 3:10-18). The law written to provide an insight into the holiness of God, a bar so high that none of us could reach. Many seeing the height of the bar try in attempt to create their own bar saying to themselves “if I do good charities, I shall be right with God!” What blasphemy it is to label that bar in the same likeness as God’s holy law!

Christ is right when He says in Matthew 21:44 “Whoever falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but on whoever it falls, it will grind him to powder!” But what a God we have! That when we do fall on Him broken and shattered by the sin we’ve committed, He is good to forgive! That He shall no longer remember our sin but instead, equip us with the Holy Spirit whom guides our path and sets a course for our lives!

Far better to be broken into pieces then to be ground down to a powder and never see reason to EVER throw yourself onto the rock that is Christ! What a God we have, who sustains the breath in our lungs, and gives us an eternal hope that like Paul we can confidently say “For me, living is Christ and dying is gain.” Yes, we have a God who is powerful and is our mighty fortress in our times of distress and hardship. We have a God who shattered the bonds that would have dragged us into the pit of condemnation, yes we have a loving and merciful God who displays His right arm at the cross, central to the Christian faith, home of our hope.  

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