He did not waver in unbelief at God’s
promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 because he was fully convinced that what He had
promised He was also able to perform. Romans 4:20-21
There are a number of things that I’m
thankful of when I reflect the character of Abraham and his story. I think Paul
highlights something rather important regarding faith through the lens of
Abraham. Let’s consider first and for most that it was impossible for Sarah to conceive
through natural conception! I want to make that very clear, even though Isaac
was conceived naturally, it is first and for most important to realise that
Sarah’s womb was dead (Romans 4:19). Now despite Sarah’s womb being dead, what
was considered impossible was made possible only by God. I believe that Abraham
KNEW that God would deliver a child out of Sarah in the deadness of her womb.
Not that God could restore her to full health, BUT that through what was
considered impossible would be seen as possible only by God Himself.
We see a similar contrast with the birth of
Christ in Matthew 1:18. Where what is considered impossible by human nature, is
made possible by God! I believe we have an understanding of what is impossible
so that God may demonstrate His glorious unbounding strength to achieve anything
of His desire! These two events speak greatly first and for most of God’s
ability to complete what is impossible by mankind. The other is the ability to
trust God through given faith in knowing that the Lord can complete the impossibility
through His promise.
Read enough of the Old Testament and you’ll
see exactly that the Lord delivers His promise. He always keeps His word, even
if it meant scattering the Israelites for the sake of His glory. If the Lord
always keeps His promise, than what is it that we as Christians today need to
consider? Let us consider the greatest promise the Lord has left us with in
scripture, His return. This is why you also must be
ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Matthew
We have full assurance that this great event
will happen. How do I know? Because the Lord has spoken this promise AND He’s
called us to be ready. Our faith, actions and words we speak should amplify the
very fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is returning at an hour and a day we do
not know. Each of us should feel the sting of eternal suffering in so much that
we take heed to the urgency in sharing the gospel in order that the Lord might
save through this wonderful message.
What is impossible for us is possible for
the Lord. Let us never forget this simple and great truth! Let us be mindful of
the Lord’s coming and use our gifts for His glory, producing fruit leading to
sanctification (Romans 6:22). Our Lord will return, let us be ready as He has
called us to be. Be a people of prayer, be a people who encourage, strengthen
one another and spur one another on in good works and of sharing the gospel.
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