Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Intrinsic Value of Knowing Christ Jesus

More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:8
What does it take for any man to say that he counts all things a loss for the sake of knowing Christ? In order for Paul to say such a thing would imply that he knows that there is extraordinary value in knowing Jesus Christ. In fact, Paul gives us an insight into his own life prior to meeting Christ on that road to Damascus.
circumcised the eighth day; of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; regarding the law, a Pharisee; 6 regarding zeal, persecuting the church; regarding the righteousness that is in the law, blameless. Philippians 3:5-6
By Paul’s own confidence in the flesh, it would be very clear to say that not many would be able to match the same values as what Paul had attained. Paul was a man who by the Pharisee’s, would have been upright and blameless in his ways. Paul had celebrity status, power and wealth. This was a man who knew the Mosaic Law greater than any one of us today. A Hebrew of Hebrews! Paul was a legitimate Jew and not a half Jew like the Hellenistic kind. Paul had zeal; he had passion for his service toward God and the law! He persecuted the church and approved the killing of Stephen that we see in Acts 7:58.
There’s no doubt about it! Paul was a religious man with much zeal, so much zeal that the death of Stephen was validated in his own eyes prior to meeting Christ on the road to Damascus. And even then, Paul was on a crusade to divide the church! (Acts 9:1-2). Friends I can say this with great confidence, there was no desire in Paul to join the church whilst he walked that road other than by a revelation from Christ Himself! And so for Paul to say that he considers all that he has done, his contribution to the Pharisaic community, means that he knows an eternal source of greater value!
And so I want to ask you personally (and I reflect this on myself as well) do you know Christ, the eternal source of greater value? Are we like Paul willing to say “it’s true, I once put my confidence in the arm of the flesh, considering my status and power as something to lean on. But I count it all at a loss, in knowing Christ my Lord!” Paul gave up his life by a revelation of knowing Christ! Paul gave up confidence in the flesh, boasting no longer in the works that he had achieved for himself and for the Pharisaic community. It takes a work of God to do this to anyone, to no longer see value in the identity of what we used to be! Do we truly believe this friends? Do we consider everything that we have worked towards prior to knowing Christ as a loss? I guarantee that like Paul if we continue to strive on and press forward into greater maturity, we too will see the eternal value that Paul saw in Christ and say with great confidence “amen Paul, I too consider all things at a loss for the sake of knowing Christ!”

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