World Mission Society Church of
God – part 1
church of God was first established in 1948 by Ahnsahnhong who is considered the
second Christ by the COG. The salvific beliefs were written by Ahnsahnhong in
his book “Doctrine Manual of The Whtiness
of Jesus Church of God.” The book’s contents are ultimately built around a
‘works based’ salvation which involve; baptism being the first step to
salvation, keeping the Sabbath on Saturday’s and also not celebrating Christmas
because of the historic ties with pagan worship.
So what do the COG people believe in? As I mentioned above, the COG people believe in god the mother. They essentially back this up with scripture from Genesis 1:26-27 “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the earth,[a] and the creatures that crawl[b] on the earth.”
27 So God created man in His own
He created him in the image of God;
He created them male and female.”
He created him in the image of God;
He created them male and female.”
As many protestant church goers would agree,
this passage doesn’t mention anything of god the mother, but simply expressing
the powerful ability of God creating man by His word. So how does the COG folk
interpret this scripture? “The above verse states that God has two images – a
male image and a female image. Until now, we have only know and called upon the
male image of God: “Father.” Then how should we call upon the female image of
God? Logically, we should refer to God’s female image as “Mother.” This is why
God has said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” - World
Mission Society Church of God. Retrieved 2013-23-11.
Unfortunately for the COG folk, you can only eisegete
scripture so far until you’re asked with a question “so what’s the role of the
mother?” This really can’t be answered because passages, chapters and books of
the bible show zero consistency of any such being as ‘god the mother’. The COG
folk only use one other verse to back up the existence of god the mother, found
in revelation 22:17 “Both the Spirit and the bride say,
“Come!” Anyone who hears should say, “Come!” And the one who is thirsty should
come. Whoever desires should take the living water as a gift.” Scripture
declares that the bride in reference here is referring to Christians, those who
are saved by Christ to take part in the heavenly blessings that is offered up
for those who pursue in their faith to the end.
In my next article/note, I will explore
further into the origins of mankind from a scriptural aspect and how the COG
interprets that we as human beings are fallen angels as well as looking at more
of their doctrinal beliefs. It is important that we as a church know that cults
like COG are being established at an alarming rate, spreading false teachings
by false prophets and ultimately supplying false hope to vulnerable
individuals. The reason for these upcoming articles is to expose the truth of
what COG believe and compare this with what scripture has to say.
“But there were also false prophets among
the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly
bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, and
will bring swift destruction on themselves.” 2 Peter 2:1
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